Friday, April 6, 2012

The Joys of my life

The past weekend was a great one! My back had been hurting a lot so my wonderful husband helped me the whole time by trying to take care of Lilly when he could, making me a big breakfast on Saturday of waffles, bacon, eggs and orange julius and he even took me on a picnic to get some fresh air. I feel very lucky and blessed to have a wonderful husband like him!
The only downside to this past week was the fact that Lilly has decided she hates going to bed now and will cry and scream until close to midnight before we can get her down. I also found that I'm having the hardest time letting her cry herself to sleep. The last few night, close to 11 p.m., Zach convinced me to put her down and let her cry but after 5 min. of listening to her bawl I'd give up and try rocking her to sleep again. I wonder if this happens to all new moms or just me?

However, we did find out that we can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to her and she will usually sit and listen to us instead of crying.

I really do love watching her face light up with a huge smile and listening to her giggle (kind of). I can't wait to hear her real laugh for the first time!! I just love being a new mom! There's absolutely nothing as crazy, hard, fun and rewarding as this. I'm just so blessed! <3

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