Friday, April 20, 2012

Finally Finals!

Now I know that basically everyone in the world hates finals (and I'm sure I would too if I were in school), but as a stay at home mom/wife, I'm super excited for the rapid approach! This means that Zach will be able to get his much needed break and have more time to focus on finding a job. It will be so nice to have him around more. Lilly is such a Daddy's girl it's crazy. I can usually just tell her that daddy will be home soon and her face lights up and she starts to smile like crazy. If I try to 'talk' with her like Zach does she cries at me because she knows that it's not daddy and she gets sad. It's really cute actually! I love that she's already sucking up to him because she knows that he'll be the softie when she's older ;) All in all life is great and I love all the many blessing that I have <3

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