Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sleep Adjustments

Lilly just turned a month old about a week ago and there is already a HUGE change! She is starting to sleep at least 5 hours a night now HOORAY!
She still hasn't been able to see a doctor as of yet, but luckily she just got accepted for medicaid, so we're hoping to find a pediatrician soon. However, the last time she was weighed she was 7lbs 12oz and I'm pretty sure she's gained quite a bit since then. We're just lucky she hasn't gotten sick or had any problems. She is extremely healthy and growing well!

I don't think I could have ever asked for a more perfect baby though. She is hardly ever fussy except at night right before bedtime for some reason still unknown, she sleeps like a rock once she gets to sleep and is extremely good around company, allowing everyone to hold and fawn over her for long periods of time. We were blessed to be able to go back to church two weeks after I had her and she still has never gotten fussy in the middle of the lesson, unless she's hungry, but even then I only have to take her out for a few minutes before she's content again.

All in all, it's good to be a mom:)

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