Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I can't believe how stinking blessed I truly am. Today I started to count all of the little blessings in my life and came up with quite a list:

    1. My sweet husband: he's always there to build me up when I'm down, goes out of his way to make me happy, and he puts up with all my weird antics day in and day out. I truly love him so much! <3
    2. My beautiful daughter: she can always, ALWAYS make me smile and laugh. Her happy attitude is so contagious and she's the sweetest thing ever. I am so lucky to have her :)

    3. Random scholarships/financial aid: I am so glad that we qualified for financial aid and Zach earned another scholarship because without them I don't know if we would be able to make it through the year!

    4. Great homes to live in: we were so blessed to find this furnished apartment next to the temple when we were frantically looking for somewhere to live and now we are blessed to have one of the 'better' married housing apartments that everyone wants and we now have!

     5. Amazing families: who seriously love us and stand by us through everything. I don't think we could get through everything without their prayers.

     6. Our car: who has many problems but continues to run and I have faith that it will run until we can afford a better one.

     7. Picnics: because life just isn't the same without it

     8. Cameras: to capture all the memories I'll forget when I'm super old

     9. Doing silly and random things: because I think I'd go literally insane if I didn't let out little bursts of insanity every now and then. And because life is better when you are yourself and can make others (and yourself) smile!

     10. The gospel: that teaches me everything I need to know and is always there when I become unsure or need a reminder that everything gets better and that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and Christ died for me so I could be saved.

I know that there are WAY more blessings in my life than just these but writing them all down will take me a full lifetime! All in all, life is beautiful and wonderful and I couldn't be happier! :)

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