Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally stress free!

So these past few weeks have been jam-packed with stress related things. First and foremost was the fact that Lilly kept spitting up all the time. And I'm not talking just normal baby spit-up, this was a lot and it would happen two to four times a day and we couldn't figure out why. Finally we thought it might be because we had tried rice cereal again (our oatmeal ran out) so we decided to go buy more oatmeal and switch her back.      As luck would have it though, switching her back made her tummy do flips or something cause that night she spit up everything and then some. Not a fun night. Since then though, I'm happy to say she remains spit up free! yay!!! :D

Secondly, on June 1st we made the move from our first apartment to a new one for the next three years! Super duper exciting! But what I didn't realize was that with moving, comes A LOT of stress. As if having to pack up everything and clean the entire apartment, floor to ceiling, wasn't enough, add in a crying baby (because she's a mommy's girl and cries if I leave the room... which I admit I kinda love but it also makes it very difficult to get much done) and a husband who back gives out the week of the move as well as the end of reffing for the summer :(, just trying to take care of everything hit me like a ton of bricks. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who, hurt as he was, tried to help to the best of his ability! I'm very blessed to have him <3 But all in all, I don't think we could have done any of it if both our families and neighbors hadn't been so sweet and took off the entire day just to help us move. So one 26 foot truck and a hot afternoon later, we were finally moved in! ... for the most part ;) though our families went the extra mile and even helped us unpack quite a few boxes, there are still some more to do. However, I really like unpacking slowly. It gives me a much needed chance to kick back, relax, and put everything in their proper place! :)

So after all that, and a much, MUCH needed lazy week, (plus catching up with some friends, having them wear my baby out, and learning a friend is going to be baptized YAY!) I am finally back to my happy, stress-free life.

 It's definitely good to be back :)

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