Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So Perfect!

Well basically, my life is perfect. Now I'm not saying that there aren't hard times, problems, and melt-downs here and there, cause there are, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a wonderful husband, an amazing daughter, great friends, the most awesome family (on both sides) that anyone could ask for, and a great home to live in. What more could a girl ever want? I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I just wanted the world to know how lucky, blessed and grateful I truly am for everything I have. It's been almost a year (this August 19th) that I have been married and even better than that, on August 21st Zach and I will be sealed in the Oqurrih Mountain Temple. YAY!!! Super excited because that means that not only will I get to spend the rest of my life with him, but I will also be able to spend eternity with him. He has been my rock and best friend through the thick and thin of this past year and has made me into a better person than I ever thought I could be. And just so everyone gets a perfect picture of the kind of guy he is, he even willingly watched our 7 month old (overnight!) while I spent the day with some of my best friends at Bear Lake because in his words, it was much deserved break. Super sweet! Now this definitely makes me realize just how good I have it because when I talked to my mom about it her exact words were something along the lines of, "Seriously?! Dad would never have done something like that!" Yeah... my husband is just perfect like that :) Anyway, I mostly just wanted to let all of my friends and family know how grateful I am for all of them too because I couldn't have gotten through a lot of the bad things in life without them. I'm glad to have such amazing people by my side who love me. It's a good feeling and I hope that everyone has that and feels that in their life because it truly changes you and makes you the best person you can possibly be! <3